Mindfulness Integrated CBT

Mindfulness Integrated Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or MiCBT for short, is a four stage systemic model of therapy that is flexible and wide ranging and designed to treat a broad range of mental health disorders and emotional distress. It can be used to addresses crisis issues, chronic conditions and can also help to prevent relapse.

Based on traditional Vipassana Meditation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (behaviour modification and cognitive restructuring), our therapists can use MiCBT principles and techniques to help you understand how your thoughts and feelings contribute to distress and gives you tools that will assist you to change this experience. As an integral part of this program MiCBT also uses graded exposure and assertiveness techniques to help prevent relapse, thus providing long term improvement in well-being.

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We treat patients from all over Perth at our Clinical Psychology clinic in Dianella. To make an appointment simply give us a call or fill out the contact form on our contact page with your details and we’ll call you to confirm.

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